Why Our Swirl Cool Stand Fan Is Your Ultimate Summer Must-Have - Air Innovations

Why Our Swirl Cool Stand Fan Is Your Ultimate Summer Must-Have

Summer is getting hotter and hotter each year, no matter where you live! With the summer months just around the corner, expect your air conditioner to be on 24/7, making your electricity bill skyrocket through the roof! But if you don’t feel like paying through the roof for your electricityto stay cool when the weather outside is burning up, then you’ll need to get a quality fan - Air Innovations’ Swirl Cool Stand Fan is just what you need:

1. Versatility

Unlike other fans, this one is totally versatile and lets you control its height, power, direction and duration of cooling. You can take the legs off and run it on your desktop or on the stand,and you’ll be able to customize the direction of the airflow and how powerful you want it to blast. On really hot days, you might want it at its highest power, while other days you might simply want it low to add some cool air while you sleep. It’s totally up to you! And it comes in a selection of different colors to match your décor!

2. Integrated timer

With this cool fan, you can choose how long you want it to blast. You can set the fan to turn off automatically so that you don’t have to manually do it and can set it for up to seven hours in advance, providing you with nothing but cool air for hours at a time.

3. Switch from tabletop to desktop

Not only can you use the stand to support the fan on the ground, but you can switch it up and use it on a desk or table, allowing you to seriously place it anywhere you need to cool off. And this fan requires less space than other pedestal fans thanks to its ingenious Swirl Cool function that circulates the airflow without the fan having to move back and forth as others do. Just the fan’s front guard rotates independently to effectively circulate cool air. 

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