How To Control Humidity In Your Home - Air Innovations

How To Control Humidity In Your Home

Excess moisture in your home is unpleasant and you’ll know when it happens. You’ll see foggy windows, smell a musty odor and your skin will start to feel clammy and even dry. When these signs start to pop up, you know you have a humidity problem and you need to do something about it. If not, mildew can start to grow and then mold will show up and take over your home, which means you’ll have to fork over a lot of money to get rid of it before it damages your home. Yet even before all these signs appear, it’s actually a good idea to measure your home’s humidity to see where it’s at (there’s lot of cool gadgets you can connect to your phone to measure these things). So how do you compact humidity and control it in your home? Read on to find out!

1. Ventilate

Making sure that your home is well ventilated is key to keeping humidity under control. It’s very important to make sure rooms that create moisture, like the bathroom and kitchen, are well ventilated. Open windows or turn on vent fans to make sure moisture doesn’t start to build up. Or get a fan and turn it on in the room if you don’t have a vent fan installed. 

2. Turn Up The Temperature

Turn up the temperature in your home since warm air tends to hold more moisture, so humidity will increase as the temperature increases.

3. Cover Food When Cooking

Make sure that you cover your food when you’re in the kitchen cooking and use any exhaust fans you have. Your oven and stove can produce more moisture in the air so opt for slow cookers to lower indoor moisture in your home when you can.

4. Use A Dehumidifier

You might want to use a dehumidifier in your home if you live in a place that’s older and is less ventilated. They’re usually placed in basements or in bathrooms without windows and in other parts of a home that need moisture removal. 

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